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language courses
company courses

•   development of a language course based on specific company needs and goals

•   lessons starting in any month all year round

•   lessons for all language levels from complete beginners to advanced learners

•   lessons for individuals as well as groups

•   the course may be focused – from general language to very specialized areas

•   teachers coming to teach at your premises

•   application of modern teaching methods

•   definition of language levels according to European standards

•   initial language audit free with an ordered language course

•   monitoring of attendance at lessons

•   continuous testing of progress

•   final testing of language level achieved

•   issue of a certificate of the achieved language level

sample lesson structure

Before you start language courses

We will visit you personally to get acquainted with your study requirements and aims. Based on a written test and your requirements, we will develop your individual educational plan and suggest the extent and intensity of the language course as well as of study material, which is continuously updated. If you agree with our suggestion, the teaching will start.

Our English lessons take place as follows:

1. Breathing exercises – getting rid of blocks, stress, nervousness, fear, etc.

2. Affirmations, i.e. sentences that help us feel the following:

              a. I feel great peace and self-confidence.

              b. My memory is excellent and long-term.

              c. My mind is working effectively.

              d. I speak English fluently.

              e. Learning is a breeze for me.

3. Revision of the last lesson

4. New lesson – getting familiar with new grammar, new vocabulary in the following structure: reading, writing, speaking, listening

5. Exercises and reinforcement of the lesson’s topics

Quality of our individual teaching method is guaranteed as follows:

When selecting teachers, we put great emphasis on professional skills and human dimension, length of pedagogic experience and teaching methods as well as the ability to make lessons interesting and effective. Each month, the client completes a test that evaluates his/her knowledge level. Based on the result, the teacher will adapt the language course and study material in order to eliminate possible shortcomings and to improve necessary language skills. Every quarter, both the client and the teacher fill in a detailed questionnaire to be discussed with us.

specialized courses

•   telephone communication

•   business correspondence

•   business negotiations

•   running a meeting or a discussion

•   preparing and making a presentation

•   international management

•   marketing

•   banking and financial English

•   English for personal assistants and receptionists

•   legal English

© 2010, elan 1, s.r.o., all rights reserved.